An Essay on Boomer Tactics

Boomers casually toss negative reference towards millennials, fire them without notice, ignore everything they do right and hyperfocus on tiny obsessions, take credit for their work etc. and it’s considered normal and then if you complain about it you’re just a complainer and shouldn’t ever find another job.

They screen millennials out of jobs except they’re very keen on outsourcing to India. They invite you for 2 – 3 interviews and then reject you at the last minute knowing they were going to do it the whole time. To put it lightly boomers are not decent human beings.

I feel with boomers what they do in the workforce is they keep raising the bar higher and higher until they find some small obsession and then use that as an excuse to discredit everything you’ve done.

To paraphrase someone else, people who aren’t yet awake to the problem think millennials and boomers and gen x and the silent generation are all rowing a boat and yes boomers may be rowing too slow but we’re all gonna get there eventually.

But it’s more like boomers rowed in the opposite direction of the other generations, sunk the boat and then grabbed the life vests from millennials so that they could each have 2 when their life vest was already a superior life vest.