The five values that baby boomers hammered that I’m against. 1) interventionist foreign policy 2) Supply Side Economics 3) corporate media 4) Jewish media 5) racial self hatred
Guess what liberals. That means I hate you too, because I’m a centrist conservative Democrat, not a coastal liberal.
I don’t know how you can dislike the direction America has gone – corporate run, Israel worshiping, screwing the average to protect the ego of coastal elites – and then look back and condemn the confederates for wanting to leave. They had a point. I would secede if I could.
The problem is that we have serious problems not just political
problems but economic problems and they’re related – and the only way to
improve on problems is to talk about them, to verbalize them.
But we have millennials who are childish and “sensitive” and powerful
elite groups who fear that an intelligent population can more easily
stand up to them and try to destroy real thinking. So in essence, we’re
in a situation where we have these giant problems and we’re all getting
screwed, but everyone is afraid to say something, because they don’t
want to lose friends, they don’t want to get “unfriended,” they don’t
want to lose jobs, they don’t want an uncomfortable thanksgiving.
You got to decide how you’re going to approach this – my approach is to
speak the analytical points and if people try to make my life
difficult, I’ll just go on without them.
I hate to say it, but the more tolerant, less racist, more open, more liberal society we have is also a dumber, more easily exploited, more naive society. That’s just the harsh truth. An old school racist would have never for instance have invaded Iraq, thinking that he was defending Israel and spreading Democracy. There is no way Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee do that.